Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I'm excited but a little nervous about the changes going on at my house this month. After 30 years as an orthopedic occupational therapist, I'm retiring to devote more time to writing.

The possibilities are daunting: tackling more book projects, increased time to invest in marketing my current books, the abilitity to travel more to garner interesting book fodder, accepting a wider range of speaking engagements . . . or wallowing in abject poverty.

The latter is no doubt an underlying fear shared by everyone giving up that regular paycheck.

In my case, much prayer and straining to discern that divine still, small voice I depend on to guide my steps in this life preceded my decision. I just wish He'd write on a wall in flaming print or etch His will on a couple of stone tablets so I could be sure I'm hearing Him right.

So it's a leap of faith for me. One thing I plan to do more of is invest more time in spiritual growth. On that note, I'd like to leave you with an inspirational quote from Grit for the Oyster: 250 Pearls of Wisdom for Aspiring Writers:

"Never allow the rat race or relentless pace to take the color and energy out of your days. Who cares if we can construct a perfect sentence if there is no life or substance behind our words?"
~Susie Larson, author of Balance that Works When Life Doesn't