Thursday, January 8, 2009

Writing Routines

Happy 2009!

As I think about the year ahead, I know a few things for certain and one of them is that I want to fine-tune my writing routine.

Due to the holidays and then a long bout of flu, I've been out of routine the last three weeks but today, I'm going to get back to business and get down to writing.

My routine in the past has included way too much procrastination. I'm going to delete that from the process.

Of course, I won't go without a yummy cup of steaming coffee to sip on as I stare at the computer screen.

I'm going to set some writing goals to meet. They say that written goals are more likely to be achieved than unwritten goals. So I'm going to write my goals down. And, I'm going to increase the likelihood of accomplishing them by sharing them with you.

Goal number one: my routine will include at least five hours of real writing time each week. Nothing will interfere with that writing time (not much for you full-timers, I know!)

Goal number two: I will finish the DJ article and send it by January 23.

After that, I'm going to write ambitiously on a novel that just won't go away...

And most of all, I'm going to write what I enjoy writing this year.