Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My sharp inhale nearly chokes me. My careening heart thuds against my ribcage. Whoa, Mama! Will you look at that?

Right there, plain as the zit on my noggin, is a name I never thought I'd see in my inbox: Terri Blockstock. Terri Blackstock! One of my literary heroes is sending me an e-mail!

And within the course of a few weeks, unbelievably, as if suspended in a surreal sea, I see more amazing names from my Writers Hall of Fame show up in my incoming correspondence: Liz Curtis Higgs, BJ Hoff, James Scott Bell, Martha Bolton, Rhonda Rhea, Dr. Gary Chapman.

Has God ever blessed your socks off with an experience that you just couldn't believe?

I have to admit, mine was not because of any particular merit of my own. We co-authors of Grit for the Oyster had contacted a host of successful inspirational authors requesting writing tips to share with fellow aspiring writers in our book. These generous writerly legends were kind enough to respond. And you, readers of Grit, are the fortunate beneficiary of their selflessness.

There is so much encouragement in those pages, I've had readers tell me they even couldn't wait to finish the book before lunging for their pad and pen to finally tackle that project that seemed too daunting for too long. I find myself re-reading Grit for the fifth time just to feel the motivational surge I receive every time I sink my eyeballs in those words of hope, affirmation and fuel for my inner fire.

Our hope and prayer is that Grit for the Oyster: 250 Pearls of Wisdom for Aspiring Writers will give you the same thrill. The very same high as if you found an incoming message just for you from your e-pal Terri or Liz or Jim Bell . . . or Suzanne, Jo, Faith, or Deb!